Fallas: Day 4 (18 March), pt. 1
Umzug der Falleras und Falleros, welcher zum Ziel hatte, die auf der Plaza Virgen aufgebaute Maria mit Blumen zu schmücken. Mit dabei: die ganze Familie. Vom Grossmami bis zum Säugling. Und alle hatten Tränen in den Augen, als es vorbei war. Deshalb die Sonnenbrille. :-)
Procession of the Falleras and Falleros, with the goal to decorate the on the Plaza Virgen built up Maria with flowers. Participating: the whole family. From grandma to the baby. And everyone got teary-eyed after they were through. That's why the sunglasses. :-)

Procession of the Falleras and Falleros, with the goal to decorate the on the Plaza Virgen built up Maria with flowers. Participating: the whole family. From grandma to the baby. And everyone got teary-eyed after they were through. That's why the sunglasses. :-)

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