Ich traue meinen Ohren nicht/ I can't believe my ears
Kann mir bitte irgend jemand da draussen meine grauenhaften Befürchtungen bestätigen: Hat DJ Bobo "What a feeling" gecovered? Ich kann mich nicht mehr erinnern. Mein Gott, kann das denn sein? Allerdings, wie die Britannen so schön sagen, "if it looks like a Bobo and tastes like a Bobo", es muss der Bobo gewesen sein, der mir aus den Äthern einer spanischen Radiostation entgegengedudelt ist. What a feeling...
Can anyone out there affirm my direful fear: Has DJ Bobo covered "What a feeling"? I can't remember. My God, can it be? On the othere hand, as it is so wonderfully described in the English language, if it looks like a Bobo and tastes like a Bobo, it must have been the Bobo tootling towards me from the airwaves of a Spanish radio station. What a feeling...
(For all of you out there who've never heard of DJ Bobo, he's a Swiss singer/rapper/dancer whose music gives plenty to discuss when talking about the quality of Swiss pop music.)
Can anyone out there affirm my direful fear: Has DJ Bobo covered "What a feeling"? I can't remember. My God, can it be? On the othere hand, as it is so wonderfully described in the English language, if it looks like a Bobo and tastes like a Bobo, it must have been the Bobo tootling towards me from the airwaves of a Spanish radio station. What a feeling...
(For all of you out there who've never heard of DJ Bobo, he's a Swiss singer/rapper/dancer whose music gives plenty to discuss when talking about the quality of Swiss pop music.)
herr je mineh! drum hab' ich vor rund 8 jahren aufgehört radio "zu losen" :-)
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