Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Las Fallas

Ich hätt's nicht besser beschreiben können.
I couldn't have described it any better.

Lonely Planet's Best of Valencia:
"Las Fallas, Europe's largest street party, is an exuberant, round-the-clock swirl of fireworks, music, explosions and fire. This wild fiesta honours San José (St Joseph), father of Jesus. Its origins, says tradition, go back to the time when carpenters' apprentices, once spring was in the air, burnt winter's accumulated cut-offs and shavings in the street to honour their patron, the Greatest Carpenter of All.
The fallas themselves - more than 350 of them - are huge sculptures of papier-mâché and, increasingly, environmentally harmful polystyrene. Reaching up to 15m in height, the most expensive cost over €120'000 (note by my humble self: this year's winning falla of Nou Campanar supposedly cost €600'000). Grotesque, colorful and kitsch, they satirise celebrities, current affairs and local customs.
Round-the-clock festivities include street parties, paella-cooking competitions, parades, open-air concerts, bullfights and nightly free firework displays. Then, just after midnight on 19 March, every single falla goes up in flames, except for one small ninot (figurine), which is elected by popular vote, and saved for display in the city's Museo Fallero."

Und alles, was man dafür braucht, sind Nerven wie Drahtseile.
And everything you'd need are nerves of steel.


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