Fallas: Day 2 (16 March)
Folkloristischer Umzug um die Plaza Ayuntamiento. Verschiedene Ortschaften der Region Valencia zeigten Trachten, spielten Instrumente, tanzten, und fuhren ihre Falleras auf grossen Wägen durch die Stadt.
Folkloristic procession around Plaza Ayuntamiento. Different small towns from the Valencia region exhibited traditional costumes, played instruments, danced, and drove their Falleras through the city.

Einer der vielen Falleras-Wägen.
One of the many Falleras wagons.

Sogar die brasilianischen (hier: spanischen) "Bailadeiras do Carnaval" (hab's versucht...) waren vertreten.
Even the Brazilian (here: Spanish) "Bailadeiras do Carnaval" (I've tried...) were represented.
Und danach direkt die Ritter. Welch ein Kontrastprogramm!
And directly after, the knights. What a contrast program!
Folkloristic procession around Plaza Ayuntamiento. Different small towns from the Valencia region exhibited traditional costumes, played instruments, danced, and drove their Falleras through the city.

One of the many Falleras wagons.

Even the Brazilian (here: Spanish) "Bailadeiras do Carnaval" (I've tried...) were represented.

And directly after, the knights. What a contrast program!
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