Fallas: Day 1 (15 March)
Donnerstag Abend haben wir uns in Ruhe (hahaha... ja klar!) einige der Fallas angesehen. Schon beeindruckend, die Dinger. Und beim Gedanken, wie viel Geld da reingesteckt wird, nur ums danach in Rauch aufgehen zu lassen, da rollts einem die Zehennägel hoch. Meine Meinung: Sie sollten das Geld lieber in den Bau beheizter Wohnungen stecken. Aber ich bin ja nur ne ahnungslose Ausländerin...
Thursday night we went to look at some of the Fallas. Pretty impressing, those things. And at the thought of how much money they put into them, just to have them go up in smoke, it rolls up your toe nails. My opinion: They'd better invest the money in heated apartments. But what do I know, I'm just a clueless foreigner...

Jack Sparrow lässt grüssen!
Jack Sparrow says hi!

Thursday night we went to look at some of the Fallas. Pretty impressing, those things. And at the thought of how much money they put into them, just to have them go up in smoke, it rolls up your toe nails. My opinion: They'd better invest the money in heated apartments. But what do I know, I'm just a clueless foreigner...

Jack Sparrow says hi!

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