Andalucia, pt. 2: Granada (26 - 28 March)
Und wieder eine Bilderflut. Scheiss Digicam!
And again a flood of pics. Damn digital camera!
Der bekannteste Teil der Alhambra. Und die Erfüllung eines langjährigen Traumes.
The best known part of the Alhambra. And the fulfillment of a longtime dream.
Nass aber glücklich!
Drenched but happy!
Die Kathedrale aus weissem Stein. Eine nette Abwechslung zu den dunkeln Löchern, die sich sonst Kathedrale schimpfen. Nur die elektrischen Plastikkerzen müssten nicht sein. Wo bleibt da die Romatik?!
The white stoned cathedral. A nice change comparing it to the dark holes that usually call themselves cathedral. Only the electric plastic candles are preposterous. Where's the romance in that?!
Eine authentische Alex in der Küche der Sacromonte Felsbehausung der Zigeuner.
Alex being authentic in the kitchen of the Sacromonte gipsy cliff dwelling.
Links der Nordhang mit Alhambra und Nadelwald. Rechts der Südhang mit Sacromonte und Kakteen. Darüber die bösen, dunklen Regenwolken.
On the left the north hillside with Alhambra and coniferous forest. On the right the south hillside with Sacromonte and cactuses. Above it all the mean, dark rain clouds.
And again a flood of pics. Damn digital camera!

The best known part of the Alhambra. And the fulfillment of a longtime dream.

Drenched but happy!

The white stoned cathedral. A nice change comparing it to the dark holes that usually call themselves cathedral. Only the electric plastic candles are preposterous. Where's the romance in that?!

Alex being authentic in the kitchen of the Sacromonte gipsy cliff dwelling.

On the left the north hillside with Alhambra and coniferous forest. On the right the south hillside with Sacromonte and cactuses. Above it all the mean, dark rain clouds.
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