Andalucia, pt. 1: Sevilla (24 - 26 March)
...oder der Versuch, aus 300 Fotos die fünf besten rauszupicken.
...or the attempt, to pick the five best pics out of 300.
Stierkampfszene vor der Kathedrale (nachgestellt von Alex und Caro).
Bullfight scene in front of the cathedral (re-enacted by Alex and Caro).
Torbögen im Palacio Alcázar. Die hatten's schon drauf, die Mauren.
Archways inside Palacio Alcázar. Pretty good at interior design, those moors.
Christoph Kolumbuses Gebeine. Na ja. Hat schon mal jemand reingeschaut...?
Christoph Kolumbuses bones. Ok. Did anyone ever look inside...?
Plaza España. Mit Graben ohne Wasser.
Plaza España. With waterless moat.
Hau ruck! Hau ruck! (Vorbereitungen für die Osterprozessionen.)
Heave ho! Heave ho! (Preparations for the Easter processions.)
...or the attempt, to pick the five best pics out of 300.

Bullfight scene in front of the cathedral (re-enacted by Alex and Caro).

Archways inside Palacio Alcázar. Pretty good at interior design, those moors.

Christoph Kolumbuses bones. Ok. Did anyone ever look inside...?

Plaza España. With waterless moat.

Heave ho! Heave ho! (Preparations for the Easter processions.)
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