In dubio contra erasmus
Als Erasmus Student bist du von vornherein abgestempelt. Du wirst angeschnauzt und beschuldigt, für Dinge, die du gar nicht getan hast, und du kannst dich auch nicht wehren, weil du DER SPRACHE NICHT MÄCHTIG BIST. Wenn du mal nicht irgendwelcher Sachen beschuldigt wirst, wird von dir erwartet, dass du dich regelmässig per Alkohol in einen komatösen Zustand beförderst. Kurzum, die Vorurteile sind mächtig, der Erasmus-Stempel prangt leuchtend rot auf meiner Stirn, und ich habe aufgegeben, mich weiterhin gegen das allgemeine Verständniss der Spezies "Erasmus" zu wehren. Olé!
As an erasmus student you're labeled from the beginning. You're being told off and accused for things you never did and you can't even defend yourself cause YOU DON'T KNOW THE LANGUAGE ALL THAT WELL. If you're not being accused for something, you're being expected to put yourself into a comatose state through alcohol. In short, the prejudice is almighty, the erasmus stamp on my forehead is sparkling red and I have stopped to defend myself against the common comprehension of the species "erasmus". Olé!
As an erasmus student you're labeled from the beginning. You're being told off and accused for things you never did and you can't even defend yourself cause YOU DON'T KNOW THE LANGUAGE ALL THAT WELL. If you're not being accused for something, you're being expected to put yourself into a comatose state through alcohol. In short, the prejudice is almighty, the erasmus stamp on my forehead is sparkling red and I have stopped to defend myself against the common comprehension of the species "erasmus". Olé!
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