Gastfreundschaft auf die spanische Weise?/ Hospitality the Spanish way?
Vergangener Mittwoch Nachmittag. Ich sass in der U-Bahn, die eigentlich gar keine U-Bahn, sondern eine Ü-Bahn ist, meine Laune bereits irgendwo unter dem Nullpunkt, weil mir kurz zuvor eröffnet wurde, dass sämtliche Kurse, welche ich seit über zwei Jahren zu besuchen hoffte, bereits voll sind. Da sass ich also, meine Tasche neben mich gestellt, allerdings nur so, dass sie etwa einen Drittel des Sitzes neben mir belegte. Das war ein grosser Fehler, wie sich Minuten später herausstellte. Nächste Station. Es steigt eine ältere Dame ein, ende fünfzig, blondiert, geschminkt, besonnenbrillt und mit Goldschmuck behangen. Auf den ersten Blick sehe ich acht freie Plätze in meiner Umgebung. Aber nein, sie pflanzt sich auf den Sitz neben mir und schiebt meine Tasche samt meiner Wenigkeit einfach mal so gegen die Wagonwand. Dann meckert sie mich auf Spanisch an, was ich natürlich nicht verstanden habe, weil ich damit beschäftigt war, meine auf den absoluten Gefrierpunkt fallende Wut im Zaum zu halten. Ich hab's auch geschafft, ohne ausfällig zu werden. Ein Sieg über die Ungerechtigkeit! Aber: In Zukunft grossen Bogen um alte, verbitterte Spanierinnen machen! Zumindest in Ü-Bahnen...
Last Wednesday afternoon. I was sitting on the Underground, which isn't really an Underground, more an Overground, my mood already somewhere below zero because I had previously been told that the classes I had hoped to take for over two years, were already full. So I was sitting there with my bag covering a third of the seat next to me. That was a big mistake, as it turned out moments later. Next stop. An older lady in her late fifties gets on the train, peroxide blonde hair, both make-up and sun glasses put on, and lots of gold jewellery. At first glance I see at least eight free seats around me. But no, she puts her behind on the seat next to me and pushes my bag including me up against the wagon wall, just like that. Then she nags about it in Spanish, which of course I don't understand because I'm busy trying to keep down my anger which has fallen to the absolute freezing point within seconds. I actually made it without freaking out. Victory over injustice! Note to myself: Keep away from old, bitter Spanish ladies! At least on the Overground...
Last Wednesday afternoon. I was sitting on the Underground, which isn't really an Underground, more an Overground, my mood already somewhere below zero because I had previously been told that the classes I had hoped to take for over two years, were already full. So I was sitting there with my bag covering a third of the seat next to me. That was a big mistake, as it turned out moments later. Next stop. An older lady in her late fifties gets on the train, peroxide blonde hair, both make-up and sun glasses put on, and lots of gold jewellery. At first glance I see at least eight free seats around me. But no, she puts her behind on the seat next to me and pushes my bag including me up against the wagon wall, just like that. Then she nags about it in Spanish, which of course I don't understand because I'm busy trying to keep down my anger which has fallen to the absolute freezing point within seconds. I actually made it without freaking out. Victory over injustice! Note to myself: Keep away from old, bitter Spanish ladies! At least on the Overground...
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